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[ Submit a comment ] 2017-09-24 - Miles wrote: Edit: I have found more information on my grandfather, Charles Paul Melley. He was aboard the Cheshire, and he saw the Leopoldville go down. He was a corpora, and based on what my mother has said, he was likely a rifleman. She said he was stationed in some sort of St. Something, mist likely the Saint Nazaire province. My grandfather died in 1977. 2017-07-12 - Riley Zielinski wrote: My maternal grandfather was Arwin Hothan. He served in the 264 Inf. and was aboard the Leopoldville. Arwin survived the attack and rescued many of his fellow soldiers. He was later awarded the Purple Heart but had refused it. Arwin fell ill to cancer in the early 2000s and our family tried to get him his Purple Heart again, but to no avail. I was too young to ask my grandfather questions about his time in the war and I'm not sure he would talk about it much anyways; he wouldn't even go on boats after his him in the army. If anyone has information they can provide to me, PLEASE feel free to reach out. 2017-06-18 - allan andrade wrote: Anyone seeking information regarding a Leopoldville survivor or relative killed in the sinking or a relative who participated in the rescue effort should contact me via e-mail at Also visit the web site Allan Andrade Leopoldville disaster author/historian Leopoldville lecturer Bush 41 Presidential Library & Museum 09/2015 2017-05-30 - Jeremy Bourdon wrote: Hello, We are a french association called "Memory of Liberation,Saint Nazaire pocket" and partner with the Panther Veteran Organization (american veteran organization) . We do historical reenactments, exhibitions about the 66th Infantry Division. You can see our website in french or in english version: We have another website: If you want, you can exchange pictures or others on our facebook page : See you soon maybe. Sincerly M. Bourdon Secretary french association "Mémoire de la libération, Poche de Saint Nazaire" 2017-05-14 - Marylu Horkowitz wrote: My dad, Staff Sargeant Simon A. Horkowitz, was in the 66th Black Panther Division, 263rd Infantry, 3rd Battalion, L Company, Personnel Section. He was the company clerk,headquartered in Chateaubriant after the Channel crossing on 24 December 1944. His company's front line was Lorient. I will be traveling to this area in June 2017, looking for the church in or near Chateaubriant that has the stained glass window of the 66th. I am happy to share any information or pictures. He died 20 years ago, and I am in possession of all of his papers. 2017-05-14 - Marylu Horkowitz wrote: Does anyone have the name and address of the church in Chateaubriant, France that has the stained glass window commemorating the 66th? I'm going to Brittany on May 30, 2017 for two weeks and would like to see the window and take photos, which I'll share. My dad, Staff Sargeant Simon A. Horkowitz, was with the 66th. 2017-01-25 - Roger Ramos wrote: My name is Roger Ramos. I was told by my mother of an uncle of mine who was a member of the 262 Infantry 66 Division. I am doing research on him for my family ancestry. I recently discovered he was on the SS Leopoldville when it was hit by a torpedo for a German U-boat and passed away on 25 December 1944. I know this is a long shot, but if anyone has any additional information on him, stories pictures I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You. 2016-11-03 - Ron lewis wrote: Does anyone have any information on my uncle,he was sergeant Irvin j Weaver Jr.he was on the Leopoldville.his body was never found.he was in the affected weapons platoon. I know he had the purple heart medal awarded to him.would love to know more about him.I have some pictures of him,that his mother gave to me.thanks..Ron. 2016-05-05 - James Biven wrote: My great-uncle; Ralph Richard Ganns was with the 66th Infantry Division's Artillery. I've recently been given all of his records of his service from his commission in 1936 at West Point to his final retirement in 1966. His artillery accuracy (and those serving under him) was credited with causing the Germans to finally surrender in the two pockets. I'm still scanning pictures and papers but, he had many personal records and military records of that period. 2016-04-28 - John Skovran wrote: Seeking information on 66th Black Panthers, 263rd Infantry, D Company. My father John Skovran (deceased) was a member. I'm looking for chronology from the time they left the states and specific locations/assignments. I believe they were part of the Battle of the Bulge. 2016-04-02 - Anonymous wrote: I am looking for anyone with information on Carl graham Dixon, USARMY, 134th infantry,35th Division. He was killed on or about January 4, 1944in the Battle of the Bulge. I am doing this research for his 88 year old sister, Marie Dixon, in Lexington, Va. 2016-03-19 - Ron Graham wrote: My Dad (deceased), Opie Graham, was in the 66th Infantry Division late in the war. His training was at Camp Robinson, Arkansas which at the time his uncle, Col. Grover C. Graham was the Commanding Officer. BTW, this didn't help him any! I am curious if anyone reading this served with him. He was a BAR rifleman and I believe he saw service in Italy and France. Thanks to all the WWII Veterans which served to preserve our country's freedom and heritage. 2016-01-22 - Miles wrote: My grandfather served in the 66th Infantry Division. Not sure about the specifics. He was a sniper, name was Charles Paul Melley. I would like to know more information about him. 2015-11-12 - Debi Gillihan wrote: I don't see anything anywhere about the Service Women. My mother Lt. CARRIE Mai Smith did her Basic training 1944 ft Rucker. She was a Nurse. I have the Graduating class photos, 100's of photos made on base, in baricks, Dr's, Nurses,surgery,officers club ect. Would love to find a Historical place for them to be preserved and protected. Any suggestions? 2015-11-05 - Jesika Kern wrote: I am looking for info on my grandfather, James F Kern of Fort Madison Iowa. He was in the Army and served in Patton's battalion in WWII. Injured in the Battle of the Bulge, he was a Purple Heart recipient. He later went on to a career with NASA and Lockheed Martin. He passed away in 2001. I had a wonderful relationship with him, but he spoke very little of his combat experience. (for understandable reasons) I was told he was a cook in the war when I was a little girl, but have learned differently as an adult. I read he was some sort of a sharp shooter- or so I think. Honestly I really don't know. But I would welcome any information anyone has on my Grampa- Please feel free to email me!! Thank you! Jesika Kern 2015-10-31 - JT Miller wrote: Corrected info re: George McGowan. He served with the 824th Tank Destroyer Co B at Camp Gruber from 12 Jan 1943 till 1 Jul 1944 when transferred to camp Kilmer. On 11 Jul 1944 he was transferred to 300th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson SC till 8 Jan 1945 when he was transferred to Cannon Co, 395th Infantry Regiment till his death on 24 Mar 1945. 2015-10-16 - JT Miller wrote: My Dad served during WWII with the 368th Harbor craft Company, later renamed the 368th Transportation Company. I have had difficulty in tracing his movements during his service. I got the Unit history for the 368th, but destinations are kept secret. I am trying to write a little family book on his service for my kids and grandkids and want to make it as complete as possible. Any info or hints. Thanks, JT 2015-10-16 - JT Miller wrote: am researching my wife's uncle who served with the 395th infantry Regiment, Second Battalion, Co f till Jan 45 when he was transferred to the regimental cannon company. He was killed on 24 Mar 45 by an artillery shell. According to the letter from his CO he was standing guard when killed. All the history I can find shows the Second Battalion was activelt engaged from 22oo hours on and he died at 2315. Are there any historys on the cannon company so I can trace his movements and find out why his company was in a standby mode. Thanks 2015-09-25 - Ken wrote: Hello, looking for any surviving members of the Leopoldville who might have known SSgt Johnny Cottrell who died on the Leopoldville. He was stationed at Ft. Rucker, AL prior to going to Europe. 2015-08-13 - Boissonneault wrote: I have K company, 262nd INF,Panther Div photo, that I will try to email in 2 parts, to anyone interested. |