
Arlington, VA 22201 Contact Me


Software Implementation Manager, Advanced Solutions International,
Fairfax, Virginia.
Currently work for a software development company (formerly Active Matter) specializing in e-business solutions
and strategic consulting. Manage in-house developers (assign tasks, review and troubleshoot
code). Coordinate with Project Manager (determine technical requirements, estimate
development time and effort, serve as point of contact for technical issues during
the development process). Design databases for custom work. Program interactive,
database-driven sites using ColdFusion and JavaScript and interacting with MS SQL
Server. (June 1999 - present)

Editor, Management
Concepts, Inc., Vienna, Virginia.
Worked for the Grants and Assistance division of a nationwide provider of
professional development training programs. Maintained the division's Web site;
revised, edited, and updated textbooks, instructor guides, and PowerPoint slides;
conducted Internet- and CD-ROM-based research; and audited classes to evaluate
course materials and instructors. (March 1998 - June 1999)
Editor, The Daily Journal, Caracas, Venezuela.
Served on the editorial staff of a nationally distributed, English-language
daily newspaper. Selected and edited relevant wire service (AP, Reuters,
New York Times) and in-house stories, designed the page layout, and wrote the
headlines in a high-pressure, deadline-driven environment. (February 1997 - June
1997) |

EFL Teacher,
Inlingua School of Languages, Arlington, Virginia.
Taught an advanced, "integrated skills" class to adults of various nationalities.
Without an assigned textbook, the class required my designing lessons around the themes of
current events, U.S. geography, and U.S. history. (September 1997
- January 1998)
EFL Teacher, The British Council, Caracas, Venezuela.
Taught adult, monolingual classes at various levels in the most prestigious English language
institution in Caracas. (November 1996 - June 1997)
EFL Teacher, Eduform, Caracas. Venezuela
Conducted in-office English classes to business executives, one-on-one and in groups, at all
levels in companies such as Gillette and Arthur D. Little. (November 1996 - February 1997)
EFL Teacher, Lado International College, Arlington,
Taught EFL full-time to young adults and adults of various nationalities at all levels.
(September 1995 - June 1996) |

Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer, March 2005.
Technology Industry Association A+ Certification, May 1999. Through
self-study and hands-on practice, earned a PC upgrading and repair certification.
Core exam score: 87; DOS/Windows exam score: 83. Upgraded many of my friends'
systems, and often provide technical support and advice to individuals. Assembled
my "dream computer" from separately purchased components.
Georgetown University, Center for Language Education and
Development, RSA/Cambridge Certificate in TEFLA (Teaching English as a
Foreign Language to Adults), August 1995.
Universidad de León, Spain, Certificado de Aprovechamiento,
May 1994. Earned a fluency certificate from the university's eight-month
Spanish language program.
University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce, Bachelor
of Science in Commerce, May 1991. Concentration in Marketing with
additional coursework in Accounting, Finance, and Management. Cumulative
GPA: 3.5/4.0.
Passed upon first taking the written examinations of both the Foreign
Service and the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service.

Familiar with Windows operating systems (server and workstation), IIS, FTP, and general networking (set up a server and two workstation
development environment in my apartment). Proficient in the Office suite. Passed (on my first attempts)
the written examinations of both the Foreign Service and the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information
Service. Enjoy soccer, travel, motorcycles, and languages. Excellent health.
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