Rosslyn Heights
My Plague of Mice and Flies, Page 3
So I was scheduled to head overseas for a month at the end of February. While I was gone, Rosslyn Heights intended to tear
apart the bathroom and thoroughly exterminate the place. But by the first week of January, it became clear to me that waiting
until the end of the month was no longer an option. I began to see mouse droppings in various places, and the closet where my hot water
heater and washer and dryer are began to seriously reek.
On January 10 I was given a key to the Rosslyn Heights "hospitality suite", the water was turned off in my apartment, and
a crew of maintenance men, plumbers, and exterminators went to work. The first thing they did was to remove the bathtub. What
they discovered underneath it is pictured below. These photos are not for the squeamish.
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 On January 22 I started moving my things back into the apartment. Shortly after I entered, I looked out my bedroom window and watched a mouse walk across the snow, cross my balcony, pass the dead mouse pictured above, and squeeze beneath the aluminum siding. This is actually underneath my neighbor's living room, but I have to assume that the mice will eventually re-infest my apartment. |
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